Author: WLH Team

A young woman sits in an office chatting with a helping professional.

First do no harm

Research and frontline experiences have documented women’s narratives about how the dynamics of abuse are echoed in services and systems. The service landscape once viewed women with experiences of abuse as resilient survivors, and the systems in need of change. Now, individual women are more often framed as problematic and in need of treatment to…

A woman holds a baby at her desk, looking at the curriculum.

We have some really big news!

The Best Practices Guide and Curriculum will give you a solid framework and a complete set of exercises and resources to effectively guide women through a journey of new awareness and healing. If you are experienced in this field, this guide will help consolidate many of the things you have already learned from women and perhaps bring some fresh perspectives, tools or insights to your work.

Women stand side by side looking into the sunset over the water.

Why I Stayed

Our society believes that if you are being abused by your partner, you should leave – right away. But this is not women’s experience. Leaving a relationship, where there has been abuse, is practically and emotionally very complex. There is no “easy” solution when it comes to abuse. Whether you are living with your partner…