Video resources
Meet the authors
Welcome to the Video Series: When Love Hurts. In this video you will meet the authors – Jill Cory and Karen McAndless-Davis. Hear about the experiences that have brought them to this work, their passion for serving women who have been abused, and their vision for this series.
Am I being abused?
Karen McAndless-Davis talks about how difficult it is to even consider if you are experiencing abuse. She also touches on the different forms of abuse: emotional, verbal, social, financial etc. This video is designed particularly for women who have experienced abuse.
Does abuse have a pattern?
This video explores the Cycle of Abuse. This is the behaviour pattern of an abusive man. Karen describes the three phases of the Cycle of Abuse: Honeymoon, Tension Building and Explosion. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
What’s it like to live with an abusive man?
This video explores the Cycle of Abuse from the perspective of the woman. The Cycle of Abuse is the behaviour pattern of abusive men but this video asks the question, what’s it like to live with someone who is loving and kind one day and hateful the next?
Are there different types of abuse? Part 1
This video explores the different types of abuse – emotional, verbal, financial etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
Are there different types of abuse? Part 2
This video explores the different types of abuse – social, sexual, physical etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
Are there different types of abuse? Part 3
This video explores the different types of abuse – psychological, spiritual, cultural, emotional etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
What is a normal reaction to abuse?
In this video Jill asks the question, “what is a normal reaction to living with abuse, power and control?” She touches on some normal mental and physical reactions such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and headaches.