Author: Karen McAndless-Davis

Women stand side by side looking into the sunset over the water.

New study reports one-third of mothers experience violence from spouses

A new study out of the UK followed over 1,000 mothers for 10 years. Among the findings: More than one-third reported suffering violence from their spouses. Those who suffered abuse were twice as likely to develop depression as women who were not experiencing abuse. The study cited is: “Intimate partner violence and new-onset depression” by…

With a shawl wrapped around her arms a woman holds herself and looks longingly.

Victim or Survivor?

VICTIM or SURVIVOR? These words hold power! We may toss these terms around without considering this. I have used them both many times referring to myself. For a long time I embraced the word “victim”. It helped me realize that what had happened was not my fault. I wore it like a badge of honor…

A white woman with glasses and long hair looks into the camera, with a very serious expression.

The connection between abuse and anxiety – one woman’s experience

When I was living with my partner, I was on the maximum dosage of anti-anxiety medication that was allowable. A higher dosage would not have been safe for me. Still, I was anxious all the time. My partner saw this and said “clearly you are mentally ill”. And sometimes I thought he was right. But now that…

Women stand side by side looking into the sunset over the water.

Lessons in learning how to never be ensnared in an abusive relationship again

Below is submitted by Lisa Stephan. She wanted to share some of what she (painfully!) learned in her marriage. Thank you Lisa for sharing some of your story!   Welcome words splashed across my screen each evening as a new relationship formed with a Christian man in Arizona.  Words I read hungrily as I learned…

Women stand side by side looking into the sunset over the water.

That abusive ex that keeps texting you! Ideas and solutions

In 2015 it is very hard to cut off contact with an abusive ex. Many women report that their ex-partners will continue to verbally and emotionally abuse them, after separation, using texts. They will send threatening texts or crazy-making texts, texts that will have them feeling sorry for their ex-partner or texts that will make them…