verbal abuse
Struggling to find the “right” words so your partner will stop hurting you?
Have you ever thought, “if I could just say the ‘right’ thing to my partner, then he would finally ‘get it’, understand and change?” Have you ever wondered if somehow you could make your relationship better if you just had the right combination of words… or tone of voice… or proper explanation? Abusive men often…
Do you know the 12 different types of abuse?
Do you know the 12 different types of abuse? How many types of woman abuse can you name? I have listed all 12 below with a couple examples of each. For a fuller exploration, look at our video about the different types of abuse.
Is My Problem Low Self-Esteem?
Some women who are abused by their partners wonder if the problem is low self-esteem. A woman may wonder if this is why she has “put up with abuse” for so long; because she did not think she deserved better. No one, independently, develops a solid sense of self. Humans are, by nature, social beings….
Are there different types of abuse? Part 1
This video explores the different types of abuse – emotional, verbal, financial etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
Is this a “communication problem” or abuse?
Take a listen to this podcast. Karen McAndless-Davis is asked about the difference between poor communication and abuse.
Stories of abuse and survival
In this audio recording, Karen and three survivors of abuse talk about the reality and impact of abuse in marriage. The speakers touch on some of the different types of abuse – verbal, emotional, financial, and spiritual. They speak to the devastating impact that abuse has on the lives of women and their children. This…