Are there different types of abuse? Part 1
This video explores the different types of abuse – emotional, verbal, financial etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
This video explores the different types of abuse – emotional, verbal, financial etc. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
Sometimes women impacted by abuse wonder if their expectations are too high. In our experience this is not true. Rather, it seems that over time, abuse lowers a woman’s expectations. For example, she starts out expecting that her partner will respect her feelings but over time he does not and so she gradually lets go…
Sometimes women wonder if they are addicted to their partner. Claire described her feelings in this way. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I can’t seem to stop thinking about him. I know he has hurt me but I just keep thinking about how good things were in the beginning. Part of me…
If asked, most counsellors will say that they have training in abuse but it is not part of the standard curriculum for most counselling programs. So, how can you figure out if your counsellor really does understand abuse or simply thinks they understand? Here are a few things you could look for: Do they hold…
This video explores the Cycle of Abuse. This is the behaviour pattern of an abusive man. Karen describes the three phases of the Cycle of Abuse: Honeymoon, Tension Building and Explosion. This video will help those seeking to support women who have been abused as well as women themselves.
Often, when a woman is a victim of rape, she will tell no one about her experience. A combination of shock, embarrassment and fear of judgment cause many women to remain silent. Even fewer women will report the assault to police. In the United States only 5% of women who are raped, by someone known to them, will report the attack to police. Women are most often raped by husbands, former husbands, boyfriends, …
#4: Listen to your gut! If your gut (or inner voice) is saying to be careful, be careful! The man’s friends and family may say he is a “great guy”. Your friends and family may think he is a “great guy” but if there is something inside of you that is making you feel uneasy,…