Women stand side by side looking into the sunset over the water.

Upcoming Workshop!

We are really excited to announce our upcoming training, November 3-4, 2016. Karen and I are so excited about co-facilitating the ‘When Love Hurts’ Workshop together! The workshop will be held in Surrey to make it accessible for all participants in Vancouver Lower Mainland.

Over the years we’ve had so many wonderful women’s advocates join us for this training and we look forward to meeting many more of you this fall. Please consider joining us for an engaging, thought-provoking two days of learning and sharing. For more information and registration, visit our workshop page.

When Love Hurts Workshop

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  1. Will there be any When love hurts workshops in the Grande Prairie, AB or Edmonton AB areas anytime soon?

  2. We do not currently have any plans to do a training event in that area but we are always open to working with local people to make a training happen. If you are interested in bringing us to your community, feel free to email me: Karen@McAndless-Davis.com Thanks! Karen.

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