New video on dating violence
The Abbotsford Police have created a video on violence in young women’s lives. It rings true to me and highlights some important issues like cyberstalking. I would encourage you to watch it. [video_embed][/video_embed]
The Abbotsford Police have created a video on violence in young women’s lives. It rings true to me and highlights some important issues like cyberstalking. I would encourage you to watch it. [video_embed][/video_embed]
Warning Signs for Young Women Did you know that statistically a woman is far more likely to be physically injured by her partner than to be injured in a car accident? Now think about how much time and energy we put in to trying to keep young women safe on the road. They wear seat…
Warning Signs for Young Women Did you know that abuse happens in Christian relationships at the same rate as non-Christian relationships? Sometimes young women think that if they date and marry a Christian man, he will be “safe” but that is not statistically true. Did you know that abuse takes many forms? Here are some…